Icon of Saint Therese of Lisieux child
- IC_6030
€50.00 Tax included
Description Icon of Saint Therese of Lisieux child
The icon is provided with a hole on the back, so they are easily fixable to a wall. This hole is notched to facilitate its centering. The icons may also be displayed on an easel.
For the format G6030 see the easel IKNG27
You will find the easels in the tab or in the category "Accessories"
Data sheet Icon of Saint Therese of Lisieux child
IC_6030 or G6030
Other saints
Joëlle Dalle
Name of the product
Icon of Saint Therese of Lisieux child
22,5 X 18 cm
Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)
Oak wood - painted edge
First name
Production method
Image glued on wood
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