Diptych of the Virgin of the Annunciation and "Je vous salue Marie"
- D9A
€48.00 Tax included
Description Diptych of the Virgin of the Annunciation and "Je vous salue Marie"
Quotation : Je Vous salue Marie pleine de grâce !
Data sheet Diptych of the Virgin of the Annunciation and "Je vous salue Marie"
Taddeo Di Bartolo
Name of the product
Diptych of the Virgin of the Annunciation and "Je vous salue Marie"
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
circa 1400
Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)
Right pannel
les premiers mots de la Salutation Angélique
Left pannel
Icon of the Virgin of the Annunciation
wild cherry wood
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