Diptych of The Last Supper with une citation de Saint Jean Chrysostome
- D17D
€48.00 Tax included
Description Diptych of The Last Supper with une citation de Saint Jean Chrysostome
This diptych represents the Last Supper of Our Lord on Holy Thursday, with a sentence from Saint John Chrysostom, "Never forget that God made you his friend." N'oublie jamais que Dieu a fait de toi son Ami.
The characters are easily recognizable: we see, Jesus with a halo which dominates everyone: he is the Creator of heaven and earth, the master of the world. It is freely that he goes to his passion. Saint John is the character whose head rests on the chest of Jesus as he is in the Gospel of Saint John. The apostle who reaches out to the dish to dip a piece of bread, as the Gospel says, is none other than the traitor Judah. We can notice that the posture of Judah is identical to that of John, but Oh! how different are the dispositions of the soul: John's heart burns with love for his divine Master, while Satan is entering the heart of Judah who consumes betrayal and is about to hand over the Son of God for only 30 denarii.
The sheet stretched between the two buildings reminds us that it is a day of celebration and that the Last Supper is happening inside.
The sentence of Saint John Chrysostom which is on the right panel reminds us of the prayer "The true friend" of Saint Claude de la Colombière. A prayer that invites us to put all our trust in Jesus our Savior who gave himself up for our Salvation. But for his Love, it was not enough; he wanted to stay with us, Emmanuel, God with us, and for this he instituted the Eucharist on Holy Thursday, a sacrificial meal. where he gives himself to us as food. By giving his disciples the command to remake this in memory of Him, Christ the Savior wanted the gift of the Eucharist to come to us, 2000 years after his coming and his death on the cross. This gift of communion shows better than any word how much Jesus wants to be our friend. The essence of friendship is to desire the presence of the loved one. Does not communion offer the closest, the most intimate closeness that one could have imagined?
Quotation :
Saint Jean Chrysostome
Data sheet Diptych of The Last Supper with une citation de Saint Jean Chrysostome
Name of the product
Diptych of The Last Supper with une citation de Saint Jean Chrysostome
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
15th century
Right pannel
une citation de Saint Jean Chrysostome
Left pannel
Icon of the Last Supper
wild cherry wood
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