Diptych of The Nativity and a quotation from Saint John
- D50E
€48.00 Tax included
Description Diptych of The Nativity and a quotation from Saint John
Quotation : Nous avons contemplé et nous attestons que le Père a envoyé son Fils Sauveur du monde.
(1 Jn 4, 14)
Data sheet Diptych of The Nativity and a quotation from Saint John
Di Lorenzo
Name of the product
Diptych of The Nativity and a quotation from Saint John
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
Right pannel
a quotation from St John (1 Jn 1,1-14)
Left pannel
Icon of the Nativity
wild cherry wood
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