Description Altar cards "Azure"
The centre altar card contains the following texts : The left altar card when facing the altar (on the Gospel side) contains the beginning of the “Last Gospel”, the Prologue of Saint John. The right altar cards facing the altar (on the Epistle side) contains two texts :
The Micro-composition was entirely made by the monks from originals belonging to the Abbey. Special attention was given legibility. Moreover, the monks work also on assembling each board in its frame.
These frames, in solid wood, are extremely light. The pigmented inks used for printing are extremely resistant to daylight. The printed surface is cold-coated with a thin transparent and non-reflecting layer of plastic.
Offered with each set, pasted on cardboard, are: the text of prayers recited by the priest when putting on liturgical vestments.
Data sheet Altar cards "Azure"
Name of the product
Altar cards "Azure"
Central pannel
55 x 39 cm
Lateral pannels
39 x 29,5 cm
wooden frame with golden streak (width of molding: 3.5 cm)
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