Pack of 14 CD of the Abbey of Triors
€252.70 Tax included
Data sheet Pack of 14 CD of the Abbey of Triors
Choir of monks of Abbaye of Triors
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Pack of 14 CD of the Abbey of Triors
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Diptych of the Immaculate...
Left pannel : Extrait de la consécration du monde à Notre-Dame par Jean-Paul II (1984) - Right pannel : the Immaculate Heart of Marie Reference: D163Diptych of The Eucharistic...
Left pannel : The Eucharistic Christ - Right pannel : the prayer: Soul of Christ Reference: D38A'The 20 Mysteries of the...
Icon of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary. Available in 6 sizes with different assemblies (Ref IC_4023) Reference: M4023Statue of Sacred Heart, 45 cm
Height : 45 cm - Material : plaster polyester - Color : light wood Reference: SC45BCTriptych of Virgin with the...
Central pannel : Carved Virgin by a monk of Saint Joseph Abbey - Lateral pannels : Floral design Reference: TRT128BL'univers Familier du Curé...
Auteur : Père Pierre Descouvemont Editeur : Traditions Monastiques Reference: L1122Fstatue of the Immaculate...
statue of the Immaculate Heart of Marie. Height : 40 cm - Material : plaster polyester Reference: M11Les Heures grégoriennes
Dimension : 6396 pages (3 tomes) - Dimensions 14,5 x 21 cm - Auteur : Communauté Saint-Martin Reference: L1128FStatue of the Virgin of...
Statue of the Virgin of Autun. Height : 30 cm - Material : hydracal - Color : polychrome Reference: AUTUNPOLYTriptych of Our Lady of...
Central pannel : Our Lady of Fatima - Lateral pannels : Floral design Reference: TRT132Astatue of Our Lady of...
statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Height : 64 cm - Material : reconstituted marble, it is made to go outside. - Dimension : Base 22 cm x 18 cm Reference: NDFAT216Diptych of Christ the...
Mon Dieu, donne-moi assez de sérénité pour accepter ce que je ne puis changer (...) Reference: D44ADiptych of The Holy Trinity...
La Trinité, voilà notre demeure, notre "chez nous", la maison paternelle d'où nous ne devons jamais sortir. Bhse Elisabeth de la Trinité Reference: D95ATriptych of Christ the...
Central pannel : Icon of Christ the Priest - Lateral pannels : with two angels in adoration Reference: TRT144'Les Gloires de Marie'
Author : Saint Alphonsus de Liguori - Editor : Saint-Paul Reference: L3101