Diptych of Merciful Jesus (face) with « Jésus, j'ai confiance en vous ! »
- D126A
€48.00 Tax included
Description Diptych of Merciful Jesus (face) with « Jésus, j'ai confiance en vous ! »
This rThis religious diptych represents a close-up of the face of Jesus Mercy of Sister Faustina, a Polish nun who had the revelation of Divine Mercy between the two wars. During one of Jesus's visits, Our Lord asked her to make a picture of him as she saw him. it is the famous painting of Jesus Mercy, a first model of which was made in 1933 during the lifetime of St. Faustina Kowalska (she had been canonized by St. John Paul II in the year 2000). This icon is currently in Vilnius. In 1943, five years after the death of the saint, a second icon was made ex-voto by a Polish painter. This last painting was placed in the Chapel of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Krakow. The face on our religious object comes from this second painting. On the right panel,you can see an illumination made by a monk from our abbey; the text takes up the sentence that Sister Faustina had seen in her vision of Jesus Mercy: "Jesus I trust you". Jésus j'ai confiance en vous.
Trust in God greatly pleases our Lord Jesus Christ, because it makes us practice the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. Confidence in a person supposes that one believes that this person is capable of obtaining what one desires; and one hopes the person will give it to one because one believe to be loved. Moreover, it requires one's humility, because one recognizes that the good one want to have, one can not get it by oneself. As the Holy Scripture says, "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble." This good that one must ask above all of Our Lord, is the eternal salvation of one's soul. It is beyond our strength, it is with confidence that we must ask Jesus knowing that he loves us with an infinite love and that he desires, much more than we ourselves desire, our bliss in Heaven for all eternity. By repeating this short prayer: Jesus I Trust You, all day long, our heart will open more and more to his love. This religious object is therefore a "summary" of the icon of Jesus Mercy that we can easily lay on a nightstand, or a desk or take upon one's person while traveling.
All the religious objects concerning Sister Faustina's Merciful Christ have been gathered in a category accessible here: Jesus-Mercy of Saint Faustina.
On the sheet of each product, information has been added about this devotion and the different practices in honor of Jesus Mercy, on the history of the two paintings of Vilnius and Krakow.
Quotation :
Data sheet Diptych of Merciful Jesus (face) with « Jésus, j'ai confiance en vous ! »
Name of the product
Diptych of Merciful Jesus (face) with « Jésus, j'ai confiance en vous ! »
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)
Right pannel
Act of confidence in the Merciful Jesus given by Himself to St. Faustina
Left pannel
Icon of Merciful Jesus
wild cherry wood
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