Diptych of the Virgin in the Child and Saint John the Baptist ith a quotation from St Alphonsus de Liguori
- D8A
€48.00 Tax included
Description Diptych of the Virgin in the Child and Saint John the Baptist ith a quotation from St Alphonsus de Liguori
Quotation : Quel refuge plus assuré
que le sein compatissant de Marie ?
C'est là que le pauvre trouve un abri,
le malade la santé,
l'affligé la consolation, le délaissé le secours,
et celui qui est dans la perplexité le conseil.
St Alphonse de Liguori
Les gloires de Marie
Data sheet Diptych of the Virgin in the Child and Saint John the Baptist ith a quotation from St Alphonsus de Liguori
Name of the product
Diptych of the Virgin in the Child and Saint John the Baptist ith a quotation from St Alphonsus de Liguori
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
15th century
Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)
Right pannel
quotation from St Alphonsus de Liguori
Left pannel
Icon of the Virgin in the Child and Saint John the Baptist
wild cherry wood
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