• Christ on Enamelled bronze
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Christ on Enamelled bronze

Christ on Enamelled bronze

  • CX500-TI

€258.50 Tax included

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Material : Enamelled bronze - Dimension : 13,5 x 25,5 cm

Description Christ on Enamelled bronze

This bronze crucifix is a gift that is very suitable for a first communion or a solemn profession of faith. One can, of course, offer it for other occasions. Its bronze material makes this religious object indestructible (almost) and the enamels are of an excellent quality that resists perfectly to injuries of time. This wall crucifix has a hole at the top, which allows us to hang on the wall with a simple nail.
On this crucifix in bronze, Christ is represented dead; his head resting on the left shoulder gives the impression of sleep; Christ sleeps in the sleep of death. This reminds us that for Christ death is really only a sleep since by his divinity he has the power to rise himself whenever he wants. This is what he did on the morning of the third day of his death on Easter Sunday. Christ is the first of the risen ones and his own resurrection is the foundation of our faith in our own resurrection which will take place at the end of the world at the time of general judgment.
This bronze wall crucifix inspired by medieval art can surprise us with a certain lack of realism or a certain naivety in the forms. For example, the arms that are horizontal. The Shroud made it possible to calculate the angle of the arms and it varied according to the Savior's breathing. However, we must not consider the Middle Ages as an era of obscurantism, quite the contrary, it is during this period that the great theological syntheses are elaborated. Before all the Middle Ages is a century of faith, where in art one did not seek first realism, but to express the faith.
The crucifix recalls the central mystery of our faith: Christ, by his death on the cross, satisfied for the sins of all humanity, liberated us from death and opened the doors of Paradise. The redemptive value of the cross does not come from the greatness of Christ's suffering but from the love with which he gave his life for the salvation of the world. Suffering only manifests the grandeur of this love. So while contemplating the crucifix we are invited to discover this infinite redeeming love.

Data sheet Christ on Enamelled bronze

  • Theme

    Cross with christ

  • Reference


  • Old reference


  • height

    13,6 cm

  • Dimension

    13,5 x 25,5 cm

  • Material

    Enamelled bronze

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