Diptych saint Louis Martin and the quotation "Est-il quelqu'un que Dieu..."
- D108C
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Description Diptych saint Louis Martin and the quotation "Est-il quelqu'un que Dieu..."
The left panel of this diptych represents Saint Louis Martin, father of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus. This drawing was made in charcoal by Céline, the penultimate daughter of Mr. Martin Est-il quelqu'un que Dieu aime plus
The quotation in the right panel comes from a letter from Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus written on November 25, 1888. Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus was not yet 16 years old since she was born on January 2, 1873 and, entered Carmel for about 8 months, she was still a postulant, because the vestition had been postponed due to her father's illness. He had run away for the first time in January 1888, at the end of October he had a new crisis, but against all expectations Mr. Martin is recovering. In this letter to her father, Thérèse is comforting and is solacing him.
The style of the letter show the youth of its author, but manifests a great spiritual maturity as well.
My darling little Father,
Your Queen continually thinks of you, and she prays all day for her King. I am very happy in the sweet nest of Carmel and do not desire anything on earth, except to see my darling King completely healed, but I know well why the good Lord sends us this test, it is so that we win the beautiful Heaven he knows that our darling Father is all that we love the most on earth but he also knows very well that we must suffer to gain eternal life, and that is why he tests us in everything that we have dearest. I also feel that the good Lord wants to give my King a magnificent throne in the Kingdom of Heaven, so beautiful and so high above all human thoughts that one can say with St Paul: "The eye of the the man has not seen; his ear did not hear and his heart could not understand what God has in store for those he loves. Is there someone God loves more on earth than my darling little father? Truly I cannot believe it! ... Today, moreover, he gives us proof that I am not mistaken, since God always tests those he loves, I do believe that the good God gives such sufferings on earth so that Heaven seems better to His elect; he says that at the last day he will wipe all the tears from their eyes and probably the more tears there will be to wipe the greater the consolation will be! Farewell, my darling King, your Queen rejoices in thinking of the day when she will reign with You in the beautiful and only true kingdom of Heaven.
Quotation :
sur la terre que mon petit père chéri ?...
Vraiment, je ne puis le croire !...
Sr Thérèse de l'Enfant Jésus
et de la Sainte Face
Data sheet Diptych saint Louis Martin and the quotation "Est-il quelqu'un que Dieu..."
Name of the product
Diptych saint Louis Martin and the quotation "j'aimais papa"
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
Traditions Monastiques (FRANCE)
Right pannel
Quotation from Saint Therese of the Child Jesus "Est-il quelqu'un que Dieu..."
Left pannel
Saint Louis Martin (1823-1894) Father of St Thérèse de Lisieux
wild cherry wood
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