Diptych of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin with the anthem Ave Regina Caelorum
- D69G
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Description Diptych of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin with the anthem Ave Regina Caelorum
In the Christian prayer of the Rosary, the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on August 22, ends as in apotheosis, the glorious mysteries. Reine du Ciel réjouissez-vous
In the Convent of San Marco in Florence, there is one of the most important works of the painter Angelico, dating from 1438-1440: the Coronation of the Virgin Mary by Beato Angelico, measuring 189 cm x 159 cm.
It is also and undeniably, one of the few works that is attributed to him without detour, both in creation and in realization.
This is the same Angelico who dedicated himself to the decoration of San Marco for Cosimo de' Medici, 1438-1445, the year of his departure for Rome. On his return in 1450, he finished some frescoes and began to write illuminated manuscripts for the same convent.
This representation of the Coronation of the Virgin Mary is approached differently from the older Coronations of the Uffizi (around 1432) and the Louvre 1434-1435. The particularity is that it does not take place before a large group of spectators.
In fact, we notice six saints attending the Coronation Event, without taking part in it. In fact, these saints belong to monasticism in general and to the Dominican Order in particular. We name here, from left to right: Thomas Aquinas, Benedict of Norcia, Dominic of Guzmán, Francis of Assisi, Peter Martyr and Paul of Tarsus.
The faces, with a simple and airy appearance, reflect soft but not bright colors.
The circle of celestial light, white, envelops the seats like a cloud and separates the sacred group from the Event. It denotes a mysticism without noise, muffled which makes that one goes to the essential: the contemplation of the evangelical Event.
This representation is purified of all useless decorations. The attention is drawn to the essential and allows to impregnate oneself more with the scene from which it emerges an impression of immobility. This phase of Fra Angelo's art was probably inspired by the monks' use of the rooms for a life of contemplation, prayer and meditation.
What this fresco has in common with the Transfiguration, where Jesus changes his bodily appearance for a few moments of his earthly life, to reveal his Divine nature, is that Light that lets the white, illuminated sacred faces shine through.
Here, Christ hands the Crown adorned with pearls and rubies to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is leaning forward, arms crossed, in an attitude that brings out her humility and acceptance, reminiscent of the "Annunciation to Mary" in her cell by the Angel Gabriel.
Quotation :
Alleluia !
Parce que Celui dont vous avez mérité d'être la Mère
Est ressuscité comme il l'a dit
Data sheet Diptych of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin with the anthem Ave Regina Caelorum
Fra Angelico
Name of the product
Diptych of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin with the anthem Ave Regina Caelorum
open : 22 cm x 15 cm closed : 10,7 cm x 15 cm
15th century
Right pannel
the Regina Caeli
Left pannel
Icon of Coronation of the Blessed Virgin
wild cherry wood
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